Thinking of YOU Thursday!
Why Are We So Scared?
Our Father has promised us peace beyond our understanding and the desires of our hearts.
So…why don’t we believe HIM? In fact, sometimes it appears that we believe everyone, but HIM. I have conversations with my coaching clients and they often say, “I know what HE says…BUT!!”
“But, I have bills to pay…but, other people told me that was a foolish idea…but, I don’t have enough money…but, someone told me I was not good enough…educated enough…young enough.”
But!!! But what??? Either you believe HIM, or you don’t. It’s as simple as that. I would like to suggest that YOU start keeping track of all the “buts” you put in front of HIS promises.
Why are we so scared, when in the next breath we say, BUT HE has never failed me yet!”
Either you BELIEVE HIM…or, YOU DON'T!!
Thanks be to GOD!
Matthew 5:14-16
Peace and Blessings,

I do not own the rights to this music!!