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Wise People Ask for Help…

Writer's picture: Ask Miss LisaAsk Miss Lisa

Ask Miss Lisa (Love, Inspiration, Straight-talk, Activation)

If TODAY is THE day…

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Chemotherapy started on May 24, 2021 but preparing for the visit took weeks. Further to my post “Confessions of a Recovering Control Freak”, I have had to let go of the IDEA that I can CONTROL ANYTHING! The pharmacy lost my $15,000 chemotherapy medicine for 4 days…talk about not being able to control ANYTHING!! My dear friend MA went to the pharmacy and made them open all the boxes in the back WHILE SHE WAITED, but they could not find it! I may not be the sharpest knife in the drawer, but even I know that the main ingredient for chemotherapy treatment is the CHEMO!! They eventually found it at the front of the store with all the other boxes delivered by UPS instead of in the pharmacy which is their company policy. Well, they promised me that this will never happen to anyone else again so at least my situation shined a light on their ineffective procedures.

ASK FOR HELP…Imagine moving furniture one day and having to walk with a walker the next week. This all happened so fast that my mind is still trying to catch up. When I lost my ability to walk, I lost my ability to work which meant that my income CAME TO A HAULT! It really was a bummer as I had just purchased a truck for moving and loaded up on all the required moving supplies. Most of the money books that I have read over the years state that you should have at least 6 months of living expenses set aside for emergencies. Well, this is an emergency if I ever saw one! I did not have 6 months, but I did have 3 months set aside…then came the EXPENSES. You need money to be sick in this country!

I had to quickly come up with a plan to survive and make the most of the money I had saved so the first thing I had to do was sell my BMW and my F150 truck (I just purchased the truck 4 months ago!). They both had notes and with the insurance that cut over $1200 off the top. My dear friends M & R did all the research for me to sell them at CarMax. They went there ahead of me and did all the paperwork so all I had to do was show up and sign over the titles and pay $4,000 to get out of the new truck. They even paid to have the truck towed to CarMax because I took the tags off so I would not have to pay the insurance. And they went and bought me food so I could take my pain medicine while I was waiting to be assisted. They have also been taking me to all my pre-treatment hospital appointments. What a BLESSING to have people who will SHOW UP for me like that in my life!

The old me may have said “thanks, but I can handle it myself”, but the new me has much better sense! When we reject the help of others, we block their blessings too. What we are saying when we reject (MUCH NEEDED HELP) is that we do not really need them or their help. We want people to think that we have it all together and can do it ALL ON OUR OWN. This is ridiculous. We have been conditioned to believe that needing help is a sign of weakness. I beg to differ, asking for and accepting help is a sign of STRENGTH! It shows that we have learned to boss our EGOS around. The EGO says, “if I let them help me, they will think I can’t handle my business.” But in actuality, “many hands make light work.” By allowing people to help us, it frees us up to focus our attention on matters that we can only handle ourselves.

I also had to reach out to my extended network because I needed 12-weeks of chemotherapy treatment rides from my house far in the woods to the hospital near my home. My family was upset with me because they did not want people to think (the devils deal) that they could not take me themselves. Well imagine that one day you cannot brush your teeth; bend down to get the pen that you dropped on the floor; stand up from the bed without the use of a cane; wash your own clothes; put your own coffee in the coffee maker; drive to the store, E.T.C…I told them “you will have enough to do so let other people help with my transportation!”

Today I had to do something that I never do…since I do not have any income, I had to ask a very dear friend to purchase some supplies that I must use daily, but 3 months savings go fast when you have household expenses and medical expenses. My EGO almost got the better of me, but I pressed on and asked for help! We are blessed if we have people in our lives who are willing “to stand in the gap” for us! Time to take the cape off and ASK FOR HELP when you need it. Suffering in silence is not wise.

I pray that this has blessed you in some way and hope that you share my story with others who might be helped by my ability to tell my truth in love!

Peace be with YOU!


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5 Yorum

Ask Miss Lisa
Ask Miss Lisa
03 Haz 2021

Awww and so true Leslie , we were taught to be independent and strong, and not depend on anyone. However, knowing what I know now, I realized through tough lessons, it's ok to need others and ask for what you need.

Tab M.


Ask Miss Lisa
Ask Miss Lisa
03 Haz 2021

Amen as long as yall got each other everything will be alright

Pat H.


Ask Miss Lisa
Ask Miss Lisa
03 Haz 2021

Beautifully written!

Sarah S.


Ask Miss Lisa
Ask Miss Lisa
03 Haz 2021

I have always been conflicted when it comes to asking for help. I guess that’s what you get when you are raised by a strong, independent mom, with equally strong maternal and paternal grandmothers.

I remember the time when ‘help’ changed my life. I was at PGCC and was taking one class at a time when I could afford it. That year, on my birthday, you gave me a check to PGCC (amount undisclosed) with the note that you believed in me. I cried because you believed in me more than I believed in myself.

I turned that Associates degree to a Bachelors and the Bachelors to a Masters since then. You believing in me has made all of the…


Ask Miss Lisa
Ask Miss Lisa
01 Haz 2021

Reading your blog today brought tears to my eyes but in the best possible way. Your honesty, your sharing your truth, your “I’m going to keep it 100 and be REALLY real about this ish” is awe inspiring and a gut punch at the same time. It had to be you because only you could shine a light so bright that you can see it from space. God bless your family and your friends who got you and thank God for your weekly testimonies.



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