Ask Miss Lisa (Love, Inspiration, Straight-talk, Activation)
If TODAY is THE day…
There was nothing more humbling for me then not being able to bend down and get a fork from the dishwasher or reach up to get a bowl out of the kitchen cabinet, but this is a fact of my current situation. I am just saying…if the kids unloaded the dishwasher, I would at least be able to get a fork without having to yell for someone to come help me RIGHT!!!
I am learning to face the reality that none of us are really “in control” of anything. Sure, we can decide what kind of coffee we want or where to go for dinner, but control can be one of those things that we must learn to surrender, because it is like a unicorn…we would like to believe they exist, but no one has ever seen one.
I would like us to get to the place where we can be happy even if we cannot “control” every aspect of EVERYTHING. Let us face it, people are going to be late; not show up; not call; not say what you want them to say…the way you want them to say it and we still need to learn to be okay!
Before my “recovery”, I would get completely bent out of shape if one little thing was not handled EXACTLY the way I instructed. Do any of you know what I am talking about? Oh ok…then it is just me! We STRESS over stuff that really does not matter in the grand scheme of life.
I know people that will threaten to “cut you” if you do not do things the way they want them done. They will not talk to you or try to make you feel guilty. I used to be the same way, but what does it get us? We get frustrated and mad but this BAD BEHAVIOR can even lead to serious health issues. So, why don't we stop? Do we not realize that we have a problem? I know I did not. I just wanted things to be RIGHT…in other words…MY WAY!
My challenge for you this week will be to calm down a little and learn to let the small stuff go. I would like for you to share some of your stories if you are willing? You do not have to give your name, but I want to use this platform to help people Do Better, Expect More and NEVER settle. We should strive to start doing better in all areas of our lives.
If you have it all together and do not need any of this…please share your magical secrets because “control recovery” is a moment-to-moment struggle for me! Please stop sweating the small stuff and MOST of the stuff that we stress over is small stuff.
Never pointing fingers…only offering a hand.
Peace be with You,
p.s., please subscribe to the blog if you would like to be able to post comments and please share this with anyone you feel could benefit or who can offer insight and inspiration to our readers. THANK YOU!

I worked with a sales company and one thing they repeated was “control what you can control”. I used that in my everyday life thereafter, but it took me into a place of believing I don’t have control of anything and accepting whatever life was throwing at me. Today I’m working on a balance but it’s only improved after I realized that I have to stop expecting life to be perfect and many things happen for a reason .
On Dec 26th I totaled my car but I was holding on to a car I didn’t even want. It was my push. I wasn’t moving in any direction to get a vehicle I wanted. Settling instead of doing better f…
I sometimes put "the cart before the horse" and it causes unneeded stress that I don't need. I have a tendency to say to myself "if I do this its gonna turn out this way" and it always turns out the opposite way and the best way for the situation. At the end of the day I realize I'm not God and I cannot predict, control and don't have the power to do so.
From: PK - Confessions of a Recovering Control Freak
"OMG...Lisa, I just figured out I'm a control freak. I called it "doing it the right way" aka "my way" but isn't that the same thing LMAO...funny but not so funny to my family.
I can't stand disorder, chaos, clutter, or things that don't match! I obsess over the placement of Knick knacks and what is the right shade of white paint to use for trim work.🤔
Sunday, my husband said let's go with red paint and as I turned to him in pure horror, I find him laughing. He then turned serious and said "I don't want to lose you to a stroke or heart attack so please relax."