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Writer's pictureAsk Miss Lisa

Go See About Yourself…

This is what my grandmother would to say to her brothers when she wanted them to go to the doctor. She was the oldest of 12 and she was one of the best people I have ever met. She would give the shirt off her back to a stranger. I hated when she asked me to take her to the grocery store because I would have to find a way to push 3 packed grocery carts because she would buy groceries for everyone she knew that “needed a little help.” She is the person that I have tried to use as my life’s role model. She would say, “Lisa always live below your means so you will NEVER have to compromise.”

I watched her take care of everyone, but what she didn’t do was NEGLECT HERSELF. She made sure to “go see about herself” and she lived to be 91. We also have people in our family who have lived to be well over 105 years old! So, why didn’t I listen??

A dear friend that I have recently reconnected with was visiting and we were discussing my condition. I was explaining to her that I went to the doctor faithfully, and that I complained to my doctor for at least 3 years prior regarding the pain in my back and she asked me a question that felt like a punch to my throat…she said “Lisa, why didn’t you go see another doctor?” I had been going to that doctor for over 25 years because her office was convenient to my job downtown. I could see my doctor at lunchtime and not have to “take off too much time from work.” Writing this now makes me sick. I compromised my health because it was convenient for MY JOB! I am in no way blaming the job itself, but my willingness to put my health in line AFTER it.

I have always worked for law firms, and it is a stressful environment, but I loved it! People who work in high stress environments often drink too much or eat too much; don’t take lunchbreaks or EAT AT THEIR DESKS; don’t take adequate vacations and often feel GUILTY for even taking time to squeeze in doctor appointments. I have been at the office when an attorney died at his desk! Why do we do it? Why do we give so much to our jobs or ANYTHING else to our own detriment?

It is my hope that my questions spark something in you if what I have said resembles your situation at all. I think we should change doctors more often because some “relationships” cause us to become complacent and take things for granted. When I quit my job downtown, I found a new doctor that was convenient to my home and when I told her about my chronic back pain she said “I am going to send you for an MRI with contrast. It may take a few weeks for the insurance to approve because the test is expensive but hold on because it will let us know what is going on with you.” One NEW doctor may have saved my life after only 2 visits!

We need to do a better job “GOING TO SEE ABOUT OURSELVES.” I know going to the doctors may be scary because we sometimes “just don’t want to know”, but I know way too many people on medications for hypertension, diabetes, and on dialysis. Even with as sick as I am now, I can’t convince my husband to go to the doctor! My father died at age 42 from stomach cancer and his sister was only in her early 50’s when she passed from blood clots in her legs. I am only 55 years old, and my new doctors keep asking me…”HOW DID YOU GET THIS?”

I don’t know the answer to that question, but I do know that it may have been found before it claimed more that 75% of the bones in my body and before it caused my spine to deteriorate to the place where my lower spine “looks like a slinky” causing me to have wear a brace to move; or before it caused my bones to dissolve into wholes requiring surgery to place rods in my leg so my leg wouldn’t “snap with one step off a curb.” I am pleading with all who will listen to GO SEE ABOUT YOURSELF! Don’t let ANYTHING be more important to YOU than your health.

I will be in the fight of my life for the next 3 months, but I know that GOD HAS GOT IT! I thank all of you for your prayers and kinds words!

We pray that this has blessed you in some way and hope that you share our stories with others who might be helped by our ability to tell our truth in love! We also encourage you to submit never know who will be helped!

Matthew 5:14-16

Peace be with YOU!


P.S. Thank you Mr. & Mrs. Washington for allowing me to use your cover photo! I love water photos :)

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