Ask Miss Lisa (Love, Inspiration, Straight-talk, Activation)
If TODAY is THE day…
I just returned from a 5-day hospital stay. But prior to being admitted to the hospital, I had to hire an Attorney and pay $2,000 to get a Will, Power of Attorney and a Medical Advanced Directive prepared the DAY before I was due to go for surgery. My doctor warned “The risk is minimum, but it is NOT 0 chances that this procedure could kill you.”
When the doctor said that I immediately went into panic mode because I KNOW BETTER (more on this later when I talk about taking my uncles in to live with me). I know better because I AM BLESSED! Not bragging, but I have worked extremely hard, and I have got some stuff. So having to decide who I trust with MY LIFE (Advanced Directive) and who will manage my bills (POA) and GOD forbid, who will take care of my 16-year-old should I not survive the surgery (she and my husband do not get along…(Will) is a lot to deal with in addition to Cancer!
In addition to the $2000 to have the legal documents prepared, I had to pay $1300 to even be admitted to the hospital. This cost was to cover my medical insurance deductible and co-pay. As I discussed in my last post, I had 3 months of living expenses saved, but I used most of that to get rid of the cars last month. (EMERGENCY FUND and 401k). And guess what??? My mortgage company does not care that I have cancer. They want their money on time. And remember, I am self-employed so when I stopped being able to work, my income dropped to ZERO! (Disability Insurance and Long-term care insurance which I do not have!)
I also realized that my husband and I do not have enough Life Insurance to cover our home should something happen to me and now I cannot get coverage because of my pre-existing condition. We always think we will have time to deal with these things LATER. We put these conversations off because “We just don’t want to talk or think about that kind of stuff right now”.
REAL TALK…life comes at you fast and you need to be prepared to stand and fight, duck or deal with getting knocked to the ground. Time to HANDLE YOUR BUSINESS!
I have listed the contact information for my Attorney and two Insurance Agents that I work with for you below:
Attorney – Jeanne K. Aelion, Esq. – – 301-464-2763
Insurance Agent and Mortgage Broker – Angela Campbell – angelapcampbell@gmail,com; – 301-358-1764
Insurance Agent and Financial Management – Alexia Usual – – 301-599-7949
I share my experiences as a cautionary tale for all who will listen. Please take time to discuss these kinds of important issues BEFORE you are faced with them. I pray that this has blessed you in some way and hope that you share my story with others who might be helped by my ability to tell my truth in love!

Peace be with YOU!
Girl, Girl, Girl,
Every single time I read your blog I am brought to my knees and “Handle Your Business” just took my breath away. I’ve always known you to be truthful, honest and to share even painful, i-don’t-want-to-hear-this advice tempered in love. I wish somehow you could shout “handle your business” from every rooftop in every city cuz girl, talk about real talk, this is about as real as it gets.
First, you can’t be throwing figures around like 2 grand here and 1300 there with no money coming without letting that ish sink in for the rest of us. I’m like wait a minute what…??? Oh I know the elders in the church would say not to wor…