Ask Miss Lisa (Love, Inspiration, Straight-talk, Activation)
If TODAY is THE day…
To be honest, I feel sick and tired! But no one wants to hear you say those words. Please don’t ask sick people how their feeling. I told you, I would always give it to you straight so here it goes…I am nauseous and sleepy all the time.
Thank GOD, the transplant is working. But getting here was difficult and sad. I had the stem cell transplant using my own stem cells on August 26th…almost four months after I was diagnosed on April 22nd. I was in the hospital from August 25th to September 7th.
After the transplant, my system was wiped clean, and I mean wiped! My white blood cell count (the part that fights infection) was ZERO. When they told me this I started to cry, because my platelets had also fallen below 7 which meant that I would have to have a blood transfusion. I WAS NOT PREPARED FOR THIS! I still don’t know how I feel about having to take blood from another person, but I am grateful for the gift!
Then came the fun part, being sick from both ends at the very same time and having to call the nurse to help me RUN (get my shoes on, get my back brace on then get my walker) to help me to the bathroom. I tell you that even the most patient nurse in the world does not want to deal with that situation every 30 minutes for days at a time.
Then…seven days after the transplant things started turning around! All the numbers started flying up!!!!! The numbers started to change so drastically; the doctor informed me that I could go home a week early. Coming home has been great. My family and friends are simply the BEST and they have made sure I have EVERYTHING I need. Being home is great, but again, I am sick and tired all the time, so it makes me a little grumpy. It is difficult to respond to text messages and telephone calls because I can’t hold my head up for long but each day, I get a little stronger.
The most difficult part of this journey for me has been losing my hair. Don’t get me wrong, I am not vain, and I don’t mind being bald. The hard part is telling people that my hair is falling out and having them say “it is only hair, it will grow back.” Note to EVERYONE…if someone tells you that their hair is falling out do not say anything about it unless you are ready to pull out the clippers and cut your hair off in solidarity! It is not about having hair; it is about waking up in the morning to find patches of your hair still on your pillow. Losing your hair this way is very T R A M A T I C! Please be sensitive!
Well time for a nap again so thank you all for all the prayers, well-wishes, and gifts! Thank you also for allowing me to have an outlet that hopefully brings something to your life as well!
We pray that this has blessed you in some way and hope that you share our stories with others who might be helped by our ability to tell our truth in love! We also encourage you to submit never know who will be helped!
Matthew 5:14-16
Peace be with YOU!
Hello Lisa this is Charlene, Laverne’s sister. I just want to share that I am always inspired by your blog. We all go through different life challenges and need to support and encourage each other on this path of life. Praying over you for health and strength on this journey. I’m reminded each day to pause and thank God that I can move and breath although it may be challenging at time. Because some days it’s hard to move due to all these joint issues. Thank you for inspiring us with your transparency and amazing stories of resiliency. Praying for strength to endure the many opportunities to be stretched on this amazing journey in life. Thank you again for alwa…
Good Morning. I am a dear friend to LaVerne who is a very close friend and member to Miss Lisa. It is a pleasure to reach out to you. On many occasions, I was asked to read your testimony. To begin, God is an awesome God. You share your testimony with your followers as he gets you through this journey and you have a husband, children & friends to do it with. God won't leave you alone. After losing a marriage of 38 years to my greatest friend, and husband Greg, my Mom 2 weeks before and my day 3 years before her, I had to learn that lonely doesn't mean you're alone. To further state, you have wonderful member…
Lisa is so beautiful and her journey, transparency, victories, faith and truth is an inspiration and encouragement. I thank God for her and for you, LaVerne not only being a part of her life but also a part of mine and your testimony. Blessings, P
Love your blog you sent today. The same thing you said about being honest and letting people know how you really feel was said to me by a friend in 1998 when my dad died. She told me "when people ask you how you're doing, feeling just tell them exactly how you feel and be honest with them ... some will accept it and some won't but you will feel better ... if they think you're being mean don't worry about it ... if they are your true friends they will understand but it starts with you" She was so right and so are you. Love you ~ Claudia
As always, you are truly a miracle and I thank God for you and your honesty. I pray you write that book, once you are all the way back. A number one best seller inspirational book. LaVerne