Ask Miss Lisa (Love, Inspiration, Straight-talk, Activation)
If TODAY is THE day…
Have you ever been so sick and in so much pain that you asked the Father to bring you home? Well, I have, and it was the most difficult hurdle I have had to face in my life. Being sick and in pain every day has been a strength and FAITH building experience for me.
You can’t believe that you would have to spends the rest of your days this way but…as the Bible says, “weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning.” I have regained my joy! When I told people that I was “sick and tired” they went into next level prayer warrior mode. I started receiving scriptures and the most encouraging text messages and emails. My sister friend group called Sisters-4-Strength has really lived up to their name. And my daughter and husband have been amazing caregivers!
When you are faced with this kind of sickness and pain you will require next level faith and it is difficult to get to that place on your own while you are in the middle of it. This is the reason we must surround ourselves with true believers! Those people who can lift you up and stand in the gap when you are ready to give up the fight.
Multiple myeloma is a difficult cancer because it not only affects the blood, but it also has destroyed 75% of the bones in my body and my spine is too damaged for the surgery like I had in my leg for the rod holding my leg together. The doctor told me “He has no answers for me at this time.” I am also in a place where I can’t do anything for myself. I am like an infant again in almost every sense of the word. I can’t enjoy coffee anymore (as I have for over 50 years) nor can I tolerate hot foods. And due to my rebuilding immune system, I can’t have visitors and I can’t eat any restaurant foods but…I AM STILL HERE!
I am a little less sick and tired every day and I am GRATEFUL to have people in my life who will hold me up and force me to level up when I feel like giving up. I must still have more left to do here and I thank GOD that HE has given me another chance to do HIS will for my life.
Don’t try to fight alone. As believers it is our responsibility to lift each other up in times of need, but if we don’t speak up and let people know that we NEED help we end up suffering in silence for no good reason! Pride comes before the fall. Ask…Seek…Knock!
I pray that you have a network of “stand in the gap supporters” like this in your life…if not we are here to help!
We pray that this has blessed you in some way and hope that you share our stories with others who might be helped by our ability to tell our truth in love! We also encourage you to submit never know who will be helped!
Matthew 5:14-16
Peace be with YOU!