Ask Miss Lisa (Love, Inspiration, Straight-talk, Activation)
If TODAY is THE day…
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As far back as I can remember I have heard ... “what happens in this house stays in this house.” We grow up hearing this and it becomes ingrained in our psyche.
The problem with this line of thinking is that we learn to keep everything inside. We push our feelings down and slowly, over time, poison ourselves from the inside out. And guess who is so happy that we do this...the evil one!
We allow ourselves to be separated from the help that we need by shutting down and “keeping people out of our business.” We suffer in silence for no good reason! The Bible says “Ask, Seek, Knock”. By keeping everything inside we do not get the help and support that we need when we need it.
Suicide, domestic violence, and child abuse rates are off the charts. And again, the evil one is probably so happy with himself. he knows that if he can keep us quiet and suffering in silence this makes the perfect breeding ground for his destruction.
Since I started this new blog, people have been sharing their cancer scares and thanking me for giving them a platform to ask for assistance. Other people often tell me that I share TOO much of my such thing! I believe that if I can help one person skip ahead of some hurt, shame or just some of life’s hard knocks…I will shout from the rooftops.
So here I go…
My father was an abusive alcoholic and drug user…THANK GOD MY MOTHER FOUND THE STRENGTH TO LEAVE HIM!
I was molested daily from age 4 for my entire kindergarten school year by the babysitter’s 16-year-old brother…
I grew up addicted to sex and alcohol…
I attempted suicide multiple times…UNTIL I FINALLY SOUGHT OUT COUNSELING…
I have been married three times…
I have fostered over 15 children from the Washington foster care system and have adopted three…
During the real estate bubble burst, I lost my home and had my two cars repossessed…
Once I recovered and got myself back on track… BY THE GRACE OF GOD…
I brought my three extremely ill great uncles to live with me at my home, because I believed they were being neglected and abused…
I had to borrow money from my 401k to help take care of them around the clock…one had dementia and was wheelchair bound, one had heart failure and the other was deaf-mute, and suffered from violent, life-threatening seizures and unable to walk…I spent many nights in the ER and then went home, showered, and went to work for a downtown law firm…(NO STRESS THERE!)
My extended family members would not even take a few hours out of their “busy” lives to give me an opportunity to take my own kids to the movies for a few hours…
AND THEN…My family accused me of playing a part in their deaths...
Accused me of stealing their money…
Took me to court over their estates…
My cousin also tried to steal the house that my grandmother left to the both of us in her Will. I HAD TO PAY OVER $30,000 to clear my name over the uncles’ estates and to beat my cousin in court over the house…
And now…I have cancer…BUT GOD!!!!! Our God is so good that this stuff has only been an introduction for my AMAZING TESTIMONIES!!!
I want to use this blog posting to open a dialog about things you might be holding on to because “You don’t want people in your business.” By sharing my stories and testimonies over the years, I have been blessed beyond measure by…ASKING, SEEKING and KNOCKING!
I hope this platform helps you to know that you are not alone, and that people are ready and willing to help, but you must let people THAT YOU TRUST…into your business a little. If I cannot personally help you with coaching or just a kind listening ear or an email returned…I have resources, I KNOW PEOPLE, because I am not ashamed to let people in and ask for help!
I pray that this has blessed you in some way and hope that you share my story with others who might be helped by my ability to tell my truth in love!
Peace be with YOU!

Lisa- Thank you for sharing! I needed to read this...Much Love
LaDear B.
Pat H.
Thanks for sharing this and I hope this helps someone out there who knows that someone else out here is dealing with the same situations.
Kim H.
Greetings Lisa,
Let me first say that you are one of the most courageous people I’ve ever met! I mean that in the best way possible. I appreciate your honesty and pray that others will see it as a way to get pass the crazy saying, “What’s Done in this House, Stays in this House”. I too believe that holding that kind of hurt in is very damaging.
I have shared my story many times including on Facebook under your AskMissLisa site. Many people saw it and commented under it. There are a lot of people hurting and suffering in silence. When we are willing to expose our truth, the enemy no longer has power over you. Thank you for…
I knew some of your story but not all. As we worked together and shared our life stories, I was always in awe in your ability to get back up from setbacks and keep it moving. You were then and still are an inspiration to me. To this day, I have no idea how you dealt with the care of your 3 uncles and I was sitting right next to you!! Talk about a faith walk. In all your ways, God is so exceedingly pleased with you! I know you are blessing so many people right now. Please continue to share your business!!!! ~PK