Ask Miss Lisa (Love, Inspiration, Straight-talk, Activation)
If TODAY is THE day…
Mark 2:3-5 ~ Some men came, bringing to him a paralyzed man, carried by four of them. 4 Since they could not get him to Jesus because of the crowd, they made an opening in the roof above Jesus by digging through it and then lowered the mat the man was lying on in front of Jesus. 5 When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralyzed man, “Son, your sins are forgiven.” NLT
I want to speak with you ladies about the importance of taking good care of ourselves and having women in our lives who will stand in the gap (or RAISE THE ROOF) for us when we meet life’s challenges…
On April 22, 2021, I was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma which is a blood cancer that affects the immune system and destroys the bone marrow causing the bones to dissolve. March is also Multiple Myeloma awareness month and the color that represents it is burgundy.
I must confess, that I had back pain on and off for years, but I was “too busy” to really take the time to find out what was going on with my health outside of my regular doctor appointments.
As women, we often put ourselves last on the list and we must STOP! We spend our time “keeping it moving” and “focusing on everyone else”…and we don’t devote the time and attention to our own health, hopes and dreams the way we need to. I STRESS THIS, because by the time I stopped to concentrated on my health, I learned that the cancer had damaged 75% of the bones in my body including my spine.
When I told my “RAISE THE ROOF” family and friends, I was sick, they went into ACTION! They brought food for my household, they called me, visited me, transported me to my doctor appointments, sent me money to help with my bills and paid for my medicine (because I couldn’t work and had no income), they prayed for me and put my name on their prayer lists and the list goes on and on! They were my Sisters4Strength!
But the most important thing these women did was remind me that no matter how difficult things were, I still had a REASON TO LIVE! Because there were days when I was in so much pain, I just wanted to go home to be with the Lord. This is the reason I surround myself with women I trust to tell me “The truth in love” and who will call me out when I am wrong…women who encourage me to be the best version of myself.
In May of 2021, the doctors took a full-body x-ray and learned that not only had the cancer destroyed the bones in my spine, but it had also dissolved two large holes which would require surgery to keep my right leg connected to my hip.
When my “sister/friend” learned what hospital, I was going to for the surgery, she called her sister who use to be a nurse at the hospital, who then called a nurse who was currently working at the hospital to let him know that I was coming and to make sure to take care of me.
I was a wreck on the day of surgery. I had never had surgery before, and I was shaking and crying as they rolled me into the operating room. Then I saw a nurse with a huge cross on his neck, and he came over and whispered in my ear “Debra sent me to take care of you.” MY GOD! My fear instantly vanished and the next thing I remembered was waking up in the recovery room.
Having “RAISE THE ROOF WOMEN” in your life is so important, but there are time when we all need help. It may not be as serious as a health crisis, but we ALL need someone to encourage and support us. We need people in our lives who won’t say, “I don’t think you can or should do…xyz), but those women who will say “let’s figure out HOW to make it work!)
Having these women has been instrumental in my life, and this is what has drawn me to working with NCMinistries. I don’t want to imagine going through life without these kinds of women and I know that NCMinistries will help “RAISE THE ROOF” for so many more women in need…and I am personally here for it!
NCM Life Support Women's Empowerment Conference
Matthew 5:14-16
Peace be with YOU!